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World Sound Healing Day 2010
"The Sound Heard Around the World"
Feb. 14, 2010
Dear Sound Friends:
Help make make this year's World Sound Healing Day the most extraordinary frequency shifting event that has ever manifested for planetary peace! The following is a press release that's gone out to stimulate awareness of World Sound Healing Day, Feb. 14, 2010. If it resonates with you and you feel so inclined, perhaps you could share it with others. This is a co-creative experience we all need to participate in. Thanks so much for your support of World Sound Healing Day.
Blessings of Light & Love through Sound!
Jonathan Goldman
www.healingsounds.com <http://www.healingsounds.com>
Join thousands throughout the planet for the 8th Annual WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY on Sunday, February 14, 2010. At 12 noon Eastern Standard Time (EST--New York Time), soundforth for 5 minutes with the "AH", created and projected with the energy of compassion and love, sending a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth. At that time, please go to templeofsacredsound.org to enhance the vibratory effect as we sound together for planetary peace and harmony. Please visit this link: healingsounds.com for more information.
January 28, 2010
(800) 246-9764 / (303) 443-8181
"There is a prophecy leading to 2012 thatsuggests when people sound together withtheir voice as a singing prayer for worldpeace and harmony, it can have a significanteffect in restoring peace on earth. The sonicmeditation of World Sound Healing Day is soimportant for the healing of our planet.World Sound Healing Day energizes the peaceand transformation that all people seek forplanet Earth. With our wisdom and intentionalsound, we can affect dire 2012 predictions ina helpful way - The Way of Compassion, Loveand Lasting Peace," says Healing Sounds pioneer Jonathan Goldman.
Goldman believes people making sound together can help create peace on the planet. On February 14th, thousands like-minded individuals will send a Sonic Valentine to the Earth - "World SoundHealing Day." For five minutes, meditators,peace activists, sound healers and manyothers throughout the planet will project theheart sound "AH" filled with the intention ofpeace and love!
"The "AH" is a universal, non-denominationalheart sound that when projected with focusedenergy is extremely powerful and effective,"Goldman says. He has found that creating aglobal sound such as "AH" will create atransformational wave of energy that willpositively affect the entire Earth.
An internationally acclaimed author(including HEALING SOUNDS , THE 7 SECRETSOF SOUND HEALING and the forthcoming THE DIVINE NAME: The Sound That Can Change The World), as well as anaward winning musician(including "Chakra Chants", "The DivineName", "Ultimate Om" and "2012: AscensionHarmonics" ) Goldman has found that soundcoupled with intention has the ability toheal and transform: He notes that "TheGlobal Consciousness Project at PrincetonUniversity has measured the effects of globalmeditations and found a correlation betweenpeaceful activities on the Earth and thesemeditations. We've added sound to this inorder to enhance the effects of globalmeditation." Here is a link to the outcome of last'syear World Sound Healing Day: www.healingsounds.com.Goldman <http://www.healingsounds.com.Goldman> adds: "The results are impressive.There is a reason most sacred prayers are chanted aloud. Sound amplifies the power ofconscious prayer: it's that simple!"
This 8th annual World Sound Healing Day, like its predecessors, will consist of both individual and group sound activities occurring throughout the planet. Thousands of people, not only in the United States, but also in many countries in Europe, Asia as well as Australia, will be sounding with the intention of creating peace and harmony on Earth. Goldman has created the world's first interactive website www.templeofsacredsound.org <http://www.templeofsacredsound.org> , where visitors can hear themselves sound along with others throughout the planet. Goldman says: "This website enables people throughout the world to sound together. It really enhances the affect of the sound that is created."
For more information on Jonathan Goldman and World Sound Healing Day, please visit: www.healingsounds.com <http://www.healingsounds.com> . There you will find a "Planetary Healing Sounds" section with articles on suggested sounds, visualizations and toning techniques as well as well an "AH" sound you can download and tone along with. Connect with us on MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. Contact Andi Goldman at 800 -246-9764 / (303) 443-8181 or via email: info@healingsounds.com.
Jonathan Goldman is available for interviews
Contact Information
email: info@healingsounds.com
phone: 303-443-8181
web: http://www.healingsounds.com
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